Duties and Responsibilities:
The MIS Officer will be responsible for development of the web-based data entry forms, clean the data entered by provincial Project or implementing partners staff and share them with M&E Officers, Coordinate MIS activities with the team and implementing partners and build a database of NCA project activities in micro Enterprises, CRWASH, etc.
The main tasks and responsibilities for this position:
Database Development & Operationalization
- Work closely with project & M&E staff to design a database to help in the entry and analysis of the required data.
- Design web-based data entry forms to enable data entry from remote locations.
- Ensure the database tables are coded for validity and referential integrity.
- Design and generate crystal reports as defined by the M&E Coordinator and Program Head.
- Understand the requirements to define keys and indices to enable easy on-line queries and analysis.
- Maintain database systems and procedures through regular checks of the system to ensure effectiveness and take any necessary remedial actions to correct in case of shortcomings.
- Work with the M&E Officers to upload the project’s data into database.
- Update the online version of the Performance Indicator Tracking Table and Performance Indicator Summary Tables on regular basis
- Work with the project’s provincial employees and implementing partners to ensure timely entry and analysis of the monitoring and evaluation data.
- Work closely with Program manager to develop tools and verification and data management system for SMEs interventions
- Conduct periodic orientation sessions on MIS for the project staff members and partner organizations.
- Undertake any other tasks as directed by Project Manager & PMER Coordinator
- Recommend tools and strategies to increase program performance and results.
- accessed by any authorized user (stakeholders) at any time and from anywhere one has internet connectivity and a computer.
- Data accuracy: due to system validation the project-sensitive data will not be in error-prone excel spread-sheet, or damages due to computer troubleshooting.
- System availability: The PSU and concerned stakeholders can update project data at any time resulting in more efficient data input and utilization.
- Data security: the data will be dealt with IT standards with recurrent backups to ensure data integrity and availability.
- Any other tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
Required Qualifications:
The candidate must be knowledgeable in the following areas:
- Kobo Toolbox
- SQL language
- Java Script
- Google drive
- Spread sheets
- MS Access
- Knowledge of ArcGIS is added value.